This is my first step on TRUE homeschooling Hadiff.
Bought from
AdikBijak.com.I was actually looking and asking around on how to teach Hadiff to read.
Did not want to spend thousands on just CDs (not kedekut just not really confident with the method).
I know there are many method out there, to name a few Magic English la, Grolier laa..
But I was looking for bahasa melayu dulu, later2 when Hadiff shows some progress then I will dip further on English.
Info on this method:-
Nik Eliani Nik Nawi & Othman AhamadISBN:
- Semenanjung: RM24.90
- Sabah & Sarawak: RM28.90
- Singapura: SD15.90
- Brunei Darussalam: BD15.90
Kandungan Pakej:
VCD lagu Abu Ada Ayam, 30 keping kad tunjuk & 1 buku mewarna
Tahun: Mei 2007
Mengenai Produk
Lagu Fonik Abu Ada Ayam dapat membantu guru dan ibu bapa memperkenalkan bunyi kepada pelajar melalui nyanyian dan aksi-aksi asosiasi yang menyeronokkan. Bunyi-bunyi yang diperkenalkan dalam lagu ini adalah mengikut susunan bunyi yang diperkenalkan dalam buku Siri Cepat Membaca Bacalah Anakku.
Keistimewaan Produk
- Berasaskan Sistem Fonetik
- Suku kata mudah
- Bermakna dan berulang
- Diiringi lagu Abu Ada Ayam (Rentak boria dan Nursery Rhyme)
- Berima
- Disertai Gambar

This is only the introduction on how to say the words,,not the usual A,B,C method.
Hadiff loves Abu Ada Ayam song.. when he wanted to watch the CD,
he simply asked for "nak Ayam a.a.a"..
or sometimes
he said "Abah Ayam a.a.a"
Not bad for 1week trial, he managed to pick up O and A. And he could actually said Orange (when it supposed to be oren *roll eyes*, but finally he knew that not all fruits are Epen (read:epal)), tembak, Acak Enak-Enak (Ema Masak Enak ) just by looking on the cards.
The only problem I have is, Hadiff like to keep playing the CD over and over eventhough he obviously dah boring. From what I read, we should stop the lesson before he gets boring. Susah sangat tang tu. Any tips on this. What I did is start playing Chuggington.
So far, I am happy with this method eventhough I heard bad review on phonic. Budak susah nak mengeja later on. Nevermind, this is fun. Hadiff will learn how to read then we will teach him how to spell.
I hope Hadiff will be able to read simple words before he turn 4years old.
That is my target. InsyaAllah...