I do expect this to happen someday sooner or later.. but I do not expect to happen yesterday!! As usual back from work, I opened the fridge, took out EBM from cooler bag placed it in the EBM container..then I opened the freezer compartment to remove one of the frozen to be transferred to the chiller but...oh my goodness!!! All my frozen had defrost!! Xdak letrik kaa tadi? Hmm wonder why my BS did not call me? I went outside told my husband who could only smile and said sabaq naa.. but then my BS said, there was no trip whatsoever.. electricity supply was fine.. hmmm??? Mat Adip tidoq guna kipas..
Terkezut beruk
badak ku tengok apa dah jadik!!
Hasil tenusu ku yg terbuang... huhuu
Kosong.. terkosong hati ku..
What should I do with all this EBM...what a waste.. I called Shida..I called Novia.. but the conclusion is sorry girl.. has to be thrown away.. Adeyy!!! With a heavy heart I threw away 63 X 4oz frozen breastmilk.. thought of using it for milkbath but then it was so cold (just out from the freezer right?), Shida propose just siram pokok..felt not so bad compare to buang lam sinki.. kann.. hmmm buanglaa.. Mr Asben dengan kain pelikat nyaa siram my breastmilk on my
blooming roses bushes..not only that...sekali dengan pokok bunga jiran pun!! Harapan pokok bunga tu akan mekar dengan nutrient dr susu ku.. entah2 mati? mati ku nak jwp ngan ida nanti..
Corrective actionMlam tu.. me and mr asben performed an engineering study
yg super duper merepek..on cmnalaa benda ni leh terjadi..analysis tools guna Cause n Effect Analysis, Fishbone Diagram, Ishikawa..whatever you named it.. but at the end, our conclusion is.... xtutup rapat...huwaaaaaa!!!! Naek fobia betoi dah nak boh EBM kat lam fridge..Apa nak jadik.... ku nak beli gakk deep freezer!!! Nak jugak!!!
Kan ku penuhkan balik stok ku..CHAYOK!! CHAYOK!!
SO BAD..sy fhm ape prasaan awk sbb sy juga gigih mengepam stiap hari utk memastikan EBM sentiasa ready..dan sy juga fhm kesedihan awk...sdgkan sy susu pernah tumpah 2Oz je pun da terasa mcm nak menitis air mata..stiap titis susu amat berharga utk ibu yg komited bf anak scara xklusif...apa pun syukur sbb awk perasa EBM tu mencair..klu x...mungkin EBm tu beku balik n u trus gune kan...mg Allah tabahkan hati awk n sy juga doakan awk k...smile alwayz...
rozy, sedihnya. aduhaiii..pump n kumpul balik ekk..
haah kan kak...
kalau zah mesti sedih gak..
zah hampir penh buang stok ebm sib baik stok tu tak rosak n still keras bila peti ais tiba2 tak sejuk n zah cepat perasan..
so nak elak terjadi lg zah dah beli freezer...tak mo sedih kena buang stok
huhuhu..memang sodihh banget... haa laaa dah laa kita simpan tuk standby bulan posa yg nak mai nih...
tapi apa pun..kena usaha kumpul balik rrr..
saya pun baru kena macam tu... tapi kisahnya sebab ada orang tersalah tutup suis deep freeser. abis 100+ pack 6 oz susu...
semoga kiter samabagi pumping mommies akan terus gigih for our babies
adeh... sabo ye...
sad to hear about it, takpe insya Allah this new pump will help u through it. Ada je moms yg frozen EBM terbuang coz dah expire. For now just concentrate on pumping enough for the next day, and an extra bottle or two by Friday.
I tak pernah simpan byk2, prefer fresh EBM. The most 30-40 bottles, most of the time 10-15 tu pun terpaksa rotate so tak expire.
Rozy..kesiannya and sedey rasa..kalau dayah ..taktaula..tabahkan hati dan bekerja keras utk up balik stok
alamakk aii..dah cairla pula..aku faham perasaan itu..ku penah melaluiya..huhu..walaupun 3 botol jer yang dibuang...still..satu hari pnya mood swing..ni kan pula sefridge..sob sob..
rozy... usaha tangga kejayaan... ala2 cam moto dolu2 time primary skul lak...
sy dah emel awk my add k...
wahh..sayang giler tgk EBM yg begitu banyak tu ter buang cam tu ajer..
tak pelah.. kena sabar + pasni kena lebih berhati2 lah..
salam perkenalan dari ku:)
terima kasih pada semua..thx for all yg concerns about me.. terharu sangat nih..
ku dah mulakan semula regime mengumpul stok ala2 taim hadiff masih lam exclusive breastfeeding.. mangkit tengah2 mlm pam dan xleh ngelat..
semalam dapat simpan balik 8 bekas lam fridge..and this time memang tiap kali nak kuaq umah..mesti check pintu ties lu....
arigato gozaimas!!!
Rozy, penah sekali ku lupa tutup rapat fridge. mujurlah mungkin baru dalam setengah jam. kemain hatiku dag dug masa tu tapi bila cek eMB masih keras beku. so ku cepat2 tutup rapat2..
sabar.. tuhan sedang uji mu ni.
Salam singgah,
Adehh, sedihnya tengok EBM tue defrost gitu. Byk pulak tue. Sabar yer. Mesti ader hikmah di sebaliknya. :)
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