Friday, February 12, 2010

PlAyRoOm HaDiFfBoLaT

Hadiff dah ada playroom, senang nak sepah2 apa2 pun kat dalam bilik tu ja.. it is also easier for me yang dah xlarat nak kemas-kemas *wink wink*.
Rajin-rajin baca buku naa

It started just a few weeks ago when i decided to clear up all the piling boxes (which I only moved them to the next room rajinnyaa). Then with a visit to DIY shop and a rm2 shop, I bought all the necessary decorations which includes that cheap padded rubber like floor mat.. What was I thinking when I first started the project? Just to fill up my time as Mr Asben was at that time busy traveling all around Malaysia checking the Umobile network. Yalaahhh dah tinggal dengan budak kecik nih ja better do something interesting kan.. however only when Mr Asben was back to Parit Buntar, I really started this project..hahahhaha *memang dasar M*

Hadiff pun involve in decorating his playroom

Hadiff really enjoy his playroom, the first thing he will do whenever we reach home is checking his playroom. At least this will keep him occupied for few minutes before he started looking for his Ummi and Abah (oopss Abah ja kot...anak Abah kann).. lega sikit nak wat apa2 lu..

Ada satu radio buruk lam bilik tu which Hadiff really loves..he knows how to play deejay.

Bila Ummi rajin...

Bila Hadiff rajin lak...


Unknown said...

wahhh... besh2.... heheheh... nnt ada umah sendiri leh la wat playroom gak cam hadiff punya... hahahaha...

Unknown said...

memang bagus siapkan playroom utk anak.. rumah kami dulu bilik tgh memang utk anak2 main.. tp sbb ibunya byk sppend buat kerja kat hall.. & tak leh nak bior depa 3 org dlm tu jer.. kdg2 bergaduh berebut.. sudahnya hall juga jd playground... ;)

Dayah @ Real Ummu said...

bila la anak2ku nak ada playroom sendiri..

cantik playroom Hadiff.Pasni kalau dpt adik girl, mesti lagi jenoh decoration dia..

xCLuSiVeLy XpReSsiNg by Hayatie said...

wah..hadiff sudah ada playroom sendiri..cun2, azri punya playroom tak siap2 lagi..maknya asyik bertangguh-tangguh jer..huhu

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