Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Raya 2011: HAdiff dan Husna

This year we celebrated hari raya just like every year before.
Other than Husna had her first baju kurung.
Other bajus were bought from sogo and jusco.
Most of them are cap MIKI.
I guess MIKI should select my kids as their ambassadors :).
Cheap maa all bought at 70% off.
Frankly speaking, we didn't really into theme, pakai baju same colour or at least just between hadiff and husna. I am not sure why, may be next year kot.
But what the heyy, ada salah kah? Hehe.
Here's our family picture, which is rare okeh bukan selalu amik. :p

Mr asben wore the same baju for 3 years now (which hmmm.. Baru 5 kali pakai, twice a year).

Hadiff dan Husna pakai baju hijau.

Then off we went to our former Prime Minister Pak Lah' open house (actually open dewan).

Not to forget ambil gambaq with pak lah.

Husna salam ngan Pak Lah. Mak Jane sebok makan.

Hadiff korek idung lak, rosak gambaq.. Ish ish ish.

Malam, they had (hadiff jaaa :p) a chance main bunga api with their 3 active and energetic cousins.
And i was soo being paranoid takut jadi apa-apa :p

Itu ja..
Simple but happy (and enough).
But we have more things to come which including a nice relaxing holiday at Teratak Afrina, Batu Kurau.
Tak sabaq nak jumpa opah dan wan kan hadiff. (tapi hadiff lg tak sabaq nak terjun pool kan... Hehe)

Hope you're having a joyful eid.
Stay tune!!

- Posted live from my iPhone

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