Thursday, April 30, 2009

My breastmilk fat content yg terbazir..huhuhuhu

Its been quite sometimes now that I have this question hanging in my mind..
To those who know the answer to this, really appreciate if you can explain scientifically to me how does this happen. I guess those who breastfeed their child do see this. Just wonder if you also have asked yourself.. hmmm let me tell what is the question I am mumbling about.

The Story

One day, I took out my fresh EBM from the fridge.. extra EBM to be poured into bekas dadih and kept in the freezer. Since Hadiff started to eat, he seems to take lesser EBM that causes my freezer to be overcrowded with frozen EBM.. (wish I have deep freezer..huhuhuhu to mr asben..please take note yaa! hehehe)

As usual considering 6 bottles x 4oz of EBM for the next day Hadiff in BS house (but normally only 4 are consumed, 2 for back up in case of emergency...car breakdown..blaa..bla..blaa..),2 bottles expressed in the earliest day were taken out to be placed in freezer compartment. Have a look at the photo below, how in the world that the fat can cover the upper side of the bottle? I only stored 4oz of EBM in the bottles? Jeng...jeng..jeng...

Though I lightly/slowly shaked the bottles to dilute back the fat into the EBM, some were still sticking on the inner side. Don't you think that this is a waste? If only I could shake harder.

Should I store the bottles upside down like this?

And place it the fridge like this? So when the fat sticking on the bottles I can turn it back and easier for the BS too.

Any scientific answer to this?


Nong Andy said...


wah.. sgt bagus lah idea mu ini! biasanya ku goncang2 jer sampai ku puas hati-walau pun memang x puas ati sebab byk lemak yg melekat kat botol tu.. sayangnye! len kali ku kan terbalikannya hehehe...

Hanim said...

supposedly not to shake BM, just swirl swirl. eh tak tumpah ke sikit EBM letak terbalik camtuh?

nnt if it works...update us yeah?

Naza Sulaiman a.k.a Ajasu said...

Hi Rozy, tergoda sungguh dgn sticker tu... Psl EBM tuh mmg it happen that the fat content tuh naik atas, pastu kita swirl pon tamo turun. But tak yah la laling sampai terbalikkan botol tuh. Simply swirl, kalau dia tamo jugak ikut bersama yang lain, tuang sikit dlm bottol lain. Amik EBM dr another bottle (dr botol sebelah dia pon boleh--same day) then masuk dlm botol yang ada fat td.. swirl slowly.

Biasa Aja buat gitu sebab, EBM dlm botol asal yang ada Fat tuh, kita swirl tamo lak gerak, then maik EBM dr another bottle yg same day, elok lak bile swirl dia ikut sekali.

Shinta, dont shake the EBM vigoriously ya, nanti it will make your EBM ter'empar' and separated the komponen inside. And it wont be as berkhasiat as it is supposed to be. Dan kemungkinan by shaking them too hard will make the imunities and antibodies musnah ;)

Rozy said...

thx ajasu,

memang geram tengok..rs cam mbazir ja kann.. selalu swirl lam keadaan botol terbalik.. cam susah toi nak dilute balik.

Shaza Shamsuddin said...

i selalu swirl sampai lenguh tangan.. hehehe. tak pun rasanya kalau panaskan dalam tu, lagik senang tanggal dari botol dak? ntahlah i jarang panaskan EBM, hubby yang selalu buat.. kita kan direct je.. hehehe

Naza Sulaiman a.k.a Ajasu said...

betul tuh yoko, kalau kita panaskan then swirl, automatik dia akan hilang melekat2 kat dinding botol tuh...

Tapi Aja paham maksud rozy nih, dia nk transfer yang sejuk dlm bekas/liner lain utk dibekukan. So itu yang tertinggal tuh.

Haha...rozy, ampun Aja buat blog rozy cam porem lak..hahahha

Rozy said...

ok ja aja,

rozy dah banyak kaoi pesan kat BS jangan shake the milk.. tapi xtaulaa dia ikut ker x..

sal1506 said...

the same thing yg i rasa bila tgk fat tu tertinggal bila kat tepi2 botol...

kalau pakai bekas dadih or plastic liner, ade tertinggal tak?

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