Terasa macam nak join contest ni pulak lah..
Kalau sapa2 nak join leh ke SINI
Manalah tahu kalau2 termenang CD baru kan.. :)
Monday, February 28, 2011
I Love Breastfeeding Car Sticker - IS AVAILABE NOW!!
Hi Mommies out there!
This is my suka-suki nye project.. thought of nice to have it.. hehehehhe
Camna ekk saya tetiba nak wat sticker nih hmm..
We are proud of having stickers on our car that carry our pride.
Yalah... proud of being part of a UNI..(pandainyeerrr)
Proud of being part of a football team supporter..(MU ler tuu selalu ngat nampak)
Proud of saying we are having a baby in the car.. so beware yaa.. we are driving at a moderate speed (ni selalu kat keta mommies jer..)
Yeah,sometimes we can judge people based on the stickers that put on their car...
Then...hmmm.. why not I stick a sticker that show my utmost passion?
It also has a promoting agenda, I guess.
Never see in the market before..(have you?)Oh ya.. we do label the logo in our blogs..
So I just made one..it is in a very limit quantity..
The logo itself speaks the meaning behind it. But I really love the full stop. It exhibits how determine we are with breastfeeding. Do you think so?
If you are interested to have one or many.. e-mail me at aroziyanna@teleflexmedical.com. It is RM10.00 1 piece including pos express..if you buy more than 1 piece it is RM6.00 for the subsequent quantity.You can also leave your comment here. Well, when we see the sticker..we will know that you are part of our breastfeeding community who give the best to DD/DS..
signing off..me. Choww!
Hi Mommies out there!
This is my suka-suki nye project.. thought of nice to have it.. hehehehhe
Camna ekk saya tetiba nak wat sticker nih hmm..
We are proud of having stickers on our car that carry our pride.
Yalah... proud of being part of a UNI..(pandainyeerrr)
Proud of being part of a football team supporter..(MU ler tuu selalu ngat nampak)
Proud of saying we are having a baby in the car.. so beware yaa.. we are driving at a moderate speed (ni selalu kat keta mommies jer..)
Yeah,sometimes we can judge people based on the stickers that put on their car...
Then...hmmm.. why not I stick a sticker that show my utmost passion?
It also has a promoting agenda, I guess.
Never see in the market before..(have you?)Oh ya.. we do label the logo in our blogs..
So I just made one..it is in a very limit quantity..
The logo itself speaks the meaning behind it. But I really love the full stop. It exhibits how determine we are with breastfeeding. Do you think so?
If you are interested to have one or many.. e-mail me at aroziyanna@teleflexmedical.com. It is RM10.00 1 piece including pos express..if you buy more than 1 piece it is RM6.00 for the subsequent quantity.You can also leave your comment here. Well, when we see the sticker..we will know that you are part of our breastfeeding community who give the best to DD/DS..
signing off..me. Choww!

Posted by
8:06 AM
Thursday, February 24, 2011
AbaH BiRtHdAy CeLeBrATion '11
Masa birthday abah haritu Ummi kena pi team building kat Teluk Batik.
So kita tunda sambutan hari jadi abah ke hari ahad.
Hadiff memang suka kalau pi jalan-jalan kan.
Terutamanya kalau ada sekali dengan aktiviti mandi...itu memang wajib.
Pagi Ahad kita sudah bertolak ke Pulau Pinang munuju Hotel Park Royal.
Kita nak makan tengahari kat buffet di situ.
Ada clown berambut biru.
Hadiff dapat Blue Bear Balloon
Pertama kali Husna duduk dalam baby chair
Hadiff yang comot macam musang
Husna yang ketiduran dan Ummi yang kekenyangan
Pastu kita menju ke Taman Belia tuk mandi manda.
Hadiff dah tak sabaq nak mandi manda
Husna pun dah tak sabaq
Syoq oo mandi..
dan akhirnyaa kepenatan..
Sekian saja sambutan hari lahir Abah pada tahun ini..
Hari Lahir Husna bulan Julai nanti macamana ya..
Mujur Hadiff dan Ummi kongsi tarikh lahir..hmm sudah jimat banyak tu..hehhehehhe
Abah tak perlu spend duit sampai 4 kali sambut Hari Lahir.. :p
Posted by
9:09 AM
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
MBW G2G @ KuLim
12 Feb, we had a meet up among MBW members.
We held it in Kulim.
Tried to lure more outside people to join us, but still end up with the same people.
A group of people who already know what is ring sling, ssc etc etc..
Planned to conduct a proper demo whatsoever...but ended up trying other people carriers.
It is okay, for a start just the six of us..hopefully more will join us in the future.
From left to right: Hidayah,Aishah, me, Yasmin, Aja and Dayah
Aja came all the way from Rawang..thanks Aja.
Eventhough she was tired and wanted to sleep, she could still smile in a wrap...
Goshh she really loves it!
Me back carry Husna in Girasol Forrest Berries sz 2.
*pics credit to Yasmin and Aishah.
Posted by
2:16 PM
Monday, February 21, 2011
JuNiOr PhOtOgRaPhEr wAnNaBe
Hadiff pun dah pandai nak snap gambaq sana sini..
nak amik gambaq bird, gambaq eskim, gambaq Una..
Haizz...kita lak yg sakit jantung takut camera Abah tu jatuh..Ada gaya tak?
Entah apalaa yang dia teropong tu..
Posted by
3:03 PM
HuSnA'S fIrST HaIr cUt
Last Tuesday, Husna got her first hair cut in her life (not considering cukur kepala as a hair cut la kan)
Sorry dear, not in a proper saloon with a profesional hair stylish.
Just sitting on a meja batu, held by Abah and cut by Ummi.
No perming, no hair rebonding..
Abah wanted to let your hair grow long..
but Ummi just couldn't bear seeing all the rashes at your neck..sure gatal kan?
Husna tengah ready
Sikat pun tengok kesian ja..
Ni peshen rambut saya yg baru..
Posted by
10:15 AM
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Yeay!! Finally I'm home!!
I'm back and missed my normal life.
I attended a team building arranged by my company for RD Department, it was a motivational, learning, tiring and fun session. 3 days at Teluk Batik.
Will share with you what I had gained from that 3 days session. :)
I attended a team building arranged by my company for RD Department, it was a motivational, learning, tiring and fun session. 3 days at Teluk Batik.
Will share with you what I had gained from that 3 days session. :)
Besaqkan beg yang saya bawak..dalam ni macam2 ada..including EBM bottles, cooler bag and 3 big ice blocks.. Berat gilaa beg ni mengalahkan beg saya masa daki gunung tahan dulu.
I brought along my lappy and internet modem..but bleargh... as expected I didn't really have that leisure time to surf internet..but even worse I really didn't expect that there was no any line coverage in the room!
Posted by
1:06 PM
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
SeLaMaT HaRi LaHiR SaYanG!
To My Beloved Sayang:-
The things we feel the deepest
Are the hardest things to say
But dear husband you must know
How much I love you anyway
And now that it's your 33th <--habis pecah rahsia :)
I'm hoping you'll know too
How much I'm wishing happiness
Are the hardest things to say
But dear husband you must know
How much I love you anyway
And now that it's your 33th <--habis pecah rahsia :)
I'm hoping you'll know too
How much I'm wishing happiness
With all my heart for you.
To the greatest Abah:-
Hadiff loves you more than the fishing rod
More than the motorbike but loves it when you nod
Drag you every where and you never say do not
No matter if the day is cold or hot
You always show Hadiff what to do
To be a kampung boy just like you
Sometimes walking around without the shoes
You both are inseparable it is very true
Husna admires you as a father
Though she is more attached to her mother
But she knows you will guide her
Her smiles will follow you when you are nearer
You are the one we won't be more than happier
My sayang and Abah forever.
Posted by
9:57 AM
Monday, February 14, 2011
HaSue Giveaway:'Saya telah melahirkan bayi 2010'
Bila ada contest best ni (bestt oo sebab bukan semua orang boleh join :p, hanya yg deliver baby tahun 2010 ja tawwww), terus saya mengorek-ngorek idea.
manalaa taukan kot dapat set loyang kek tu..
Saya suka baking..kalau dapat set loyang tu..memang pucuk dicita buah durian mendatanglaaa..(saya lebih suka makan durian dari makan ulam).
Ini adalah pantun 4 kerat suka suki yang secara spontan mai ke minda saya.
Tentang anak kedua saya Husna Raihannah yang dilahirkan pada 1 haribulan Julai 2010 di Hospital Kepala Batas, Seberang Prai Utara dengan berat 3.29kg.
Ini story permata kedua saya
Husna Raihannah diberi nama
1 Julai 2010 mula menata dunia
Disambut dengan penuh kesyukuran kepada-Nya.
[Husna pada hari kelahirannya]
Cupcake diberi sebagai tanda
Tenkiu dari kami yang tak terhingga
Kepada misi yang baik-baik belaka
Menjaga Husna dengan seikhlas hati mereka
[ Sedapp oo cupcake ni..walaupun saya tak rasa :p]
Sebulan pertama memang tidoq tak lena
Cranky dan kuat nangisla ini Husna
Mujur ada wrap penyelamat dunia
Sekurang-kurangnya Ummi masih boleh buat kerja
[Asyik meghap jaa time tu]
Abang Hadiff sangat sayang adik Husna
Tapi menan masih tak boleh kongsi bersama
Sesi tarik menarik itu biasa
Walau still kecil, jeritan Husna boleh tahan juga
Tapi menan masih tak boleh kongsi bersama
Sesi tarik menarik itu biasa
Walau still kecil, jeritan Husna boleh tahan juga
[ Muka hampir sama, harap2 depa rapatlaa bila besaq nanti]
Husna membesar dengan susu Ummi
Susu yang the best Ummi beri
Moga menjadi anak berbudi pekerti
Sifat terpuji sentiasa di hati
[Hari pertama Husna makan setelah 6mth exclusive breastfeeding]
Senyuman Husna penawar hati kami
Especially balik kerja selalu tensi
Gelak tawanya menjadi penyeri
Keluarga kami yang happy happy
[Walaupun kuat meghap, Husna kuat giggle jugak]
Husna sayang, dengar cakap Ummi
Pesanan Abah juga mesti diingati
Jadilah anak yang berbakti nanti
Semoga hidup lebih diberkati
[Husna posing maut bersama sepit rambut pertama dalam hidupnya]
Salam sayang dari Husna..muuahhh!!!
Aunty Sue, ada chance tak Ummi Husna menang..Ummi nak buat kek tuk Husna nanti..
Posted by
4:30 PM
Friday, February 11, 2011
Win A Free Bag From BabyIbu!!!
BabyIbu Giveaway Birthday
Contest ni akan berlangsung daripada 26 Januari 2011 sehingga 25 Februari 2011
Hadiahnya apa?
Organize Anne yang bernilai RM 52 daripada BabyIbu Shoppe
9 voucher bernilai RM190 daripada Tote Boutique
Nak join?
Lihatlah di SINI
Posted by
3:31 PM
Nak masuk Lucky draw ni pulaklah..
manalaa tahu kot2 ada rezeki dapat purse baru kan..
cantik2 betul purse2 itu.
saya sangat suka
kalau berminat, lehla ke SINI ya.
Posted by
2:59 PM
WeLcOmINg HaDiFf's NeW CoUsin
Another H perhaps.. :)
My sister in law just gave birth to another cute baby boy (total of 4 boys! ), last Tuesday (8/2/2011) C-sect.
Got my chance to breastfeed him once, as my sister was down with fever and she was really weak at that time. She is okay now.
Breastfeeding poster kat postnatal ward Hospital Seberang Jaya.
to breast feed is to love
My sister in law just gave birth to another cute baby boy (total of 4 boys! ), last Tuesday (8/2/2011) C-sect.
Got my chance to breastfeed him once, as my sister was down with fever and she was really weak at that time. She is okay now.
Breastfeeding poster kat postnatal ward Hospital Seberang Jaya.
to breast feed is to love
Posted by
11:40 AM
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
TeLuK BaYu FloaTinG ReSTaUrAnt 6/2/2011
Ini kes adhoc decision by Mr Asben..a verrrrrrryyyy nice adhoc decision.
He just sweetly simply said " Jom saya bawak sayang pi makan dalam hutan"
Haaa? What hutan? Thought Mr Asben was joking.
The journey to that hutan took us through a vast yellowish nice scenery paddy field, an eerie view of late day in hutan kelapa sawit and passed a very quiet rubber trees estate.
Aiiyoo memang hutan dah ni..
At the very end of the road, we reached a small jetty area with fishing boats scattered around the river bank.
Ahhh.. a very nice view indeed..and Hadiff was really excited with all the kapal bot.
We eagerly approached the compound, to satisfy our curiosity on what this area has to offer.
There was a small wooden stall just near the river.
"Takkan kedai ni kot", I said to myself.
but looking further up, we saw a floating restaurant, buoying with the river current...floating..(I mean really floating!) with no walkway (wooden walkway, not sure what is the right name for that) connecting from the restaurant to the river bank.
We had to use a boat, which owned by owner of the restaurant.
I could see Hadiff's face bimming with the excitement.
This is his first kapal bot real experience.
We had to use the narrow wooden walkway to move from the restaurant to the section where they breed fishes and to the floating chalets.
Hadiff care nothing on his safety which is our utmost nightmare.
He has shown to us his next level of bravery self exclaiming as nothing to fear if relates to water.
He reaaaaaaaaaally loves water and makes us wonder if we should send him to swimming class as early as possible.
Hahh enough with this karangan..don't know why so sudden I am writing like writing a novel..bluekk!
Enjoy the edited/non edited photos we managed to capture.
He just sweetly simply said " Jom saya bawak sayang pi makan dalam hutan"
Haaa? What hutan? Thought Mr Asben was joking.
The journey to that hutan took us through a vast yellowish nice scenery paddy field, an eerie view of late day in hutan kelapa sawit and passed a very quiet rubber trees estate.
Aiiyoo memang hutan dah ni..
At the very end of the road, we reached a small jetty area with fishing boats scattered around the river bank.
Ahhh.. a very nice view indeed..and Hadiff was really excited with all the kapal bot.
We eagerly approached the compound, to satisfy our curiosity on what this area has to offer.
There was a small wooden stall just near the river.
"Takkan kedai ni kot", I said to myself.
but looking further up, we saw a floating restaurant, buoying with the river current...floating..(I mean really floating!) with no walkway (wooden walkway, not sure what is the right name for that) connecting from the restaurant to the river bank.
We had to use a boat, which owned by owner of the restaurant.
I could see Hadiff's face bimming with the excitement.
This is his first kapal bot real experience.
We had to use the narrow wooden walkway to move from the restaurant to the section where they breed fishes and to the floating chalets.
Hadiff care nothing on his safety which is our utmost nightmare.
He has shown to us his next level of bravery self exclaiming as nothing to fear if relates to water.
He reaaaaaaaaaally loves water and makes us wonder if we should send him to swimming class as early as possible.
Hahh enough with this karangan..don't know why so sudden I am writing like writing a novel..bluekk!
Enjoy the edited/non edited photos we managed to capture.
My eksyen pic with the fish caught earlier by the owner's son.
Luckily I had my sling so that handling 2 kids was much easier.
The ladies were curious about my ring sling.
It looked like I was doing the babywearing demo.
The Menu.
We had a delicious finger licking crab chilli, oyster d'bayu and udang celup tepung.Hadiff kusyuk tengok Mr Crab dan ikan buntal.
We will come back.
Hadiff on the boat ride back to the jetty.
He had insufficient dose of kapal bot and wanting more.
The restaurant is not like those 5 stars expensive floating restaurant.
The menu offered there is similar to what we can find in a tom yum restaurant.
The price is affordable..I mean like a normal range in any road side restaurant.
But the best thing is..all the seafood are FRESH. Nothing is fresher when they caught it alive from the river based on your order.
Posted by
12:15 PM
Saya sangat ngantuk tapi saya takleh duduk elok-elok sebab ada samtin dalam pampers saya.
So saya tidoq camnilaahhh.... :p
Posted by
9:00 AM
Monday, February 7, 2011
Husna's first hair barrette, bought at Rope Walk Bagan, RM2 for 2.
Okaylaa..takdak sesi tarik2 <--so far laa..dah pandai nanti taktaula..
Abang Hadiff also wanted to pakai..tapi Hadiff, it is only for baby girl sajalaa..
She looks better with a hair clip as her hair has started to poke her right eye.
Well, what the picture below has to do with the title?
I spotted a babywearer in Rope Walk wearing her baby..in fact she looked waaaaaaaaaaaaay fashionable than me with a simple slip knot Thai silk with golden thread, wearing a matching shirt aaaaaaand a matching hair bow.Not sure if she is an Indonesian or Vietnamese.
Posted by
3:00 PM
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