Monday, August 10, 2009

Cup Cake Baking Class 100

Last Saturday I joined a baking class with Kak Ana elianas.. a basic cup cake baking class..
Kak Ana memang xlokek sharing all the tips and it was a fun fun class despite initial xpuas hati dengan bilangan of student, 8 which is more than expected or informed (max 5?).. Kak Ana said kesian xsanggup hampakan but not fair for those yg register earlier kan.. the prepared cup cakes were not enough ended up us had to wait for newly baked cake.. kek yg panas how to do frosting rite? Then we have to wait for turn as the apparatus provided was only one for 8 of us.. hmm.. plus Kak Ana received constant disturbance of phone calls from the late attandee..

Ridwan coming all the way from Kangaq Perlis to learn the deco tips, respeknya kat budak nih.. Dibah yg muda lagi and eager to learn dengan tudung2 sekali di deco kan..hehehhehe..xpa dik..practice makes perfect!.. Sisters Kak Ramlah and Kak Hani..Kak Yatie who I found out to be my brother's neighbor ..(sebelah umah tuu) and not to forget chatty Kak Linda..teman gelakku..

I bought 5 set of wilton nozzle <--expensive kann.. and 2 of cuppies box.. As conclusion, at least now I know the twist and turn of cup cake baking and deco..the rest just up to me to probe and learn more.. My future class would be fondant deco.. after raya perhaps.. See below my first timer art.. ekh keh kehh.. Rini buzzy buzzy like a beeee... chow!!


Kak ana said...

rozy..lets me explain...actually masa rozy tanya mmg ler 5 org ja yg konfirm nak mai(ni based on deposit that they paid earlier)..tapi yg susahnya nak tolak sbb yg tetiba last minit muncul..adoii then nak kata apa kan..yg ni mmg yg tak wat payment earlier..so kak kira derang mmg x jadi..tapi on that day it self memasing muncul plak..w.pun dh cakap kelas penuh..tapi tetap nak join sbb memasing ingat sbb nak posa dah..so kalo tk nak miss plak..huhuhu tak kan nak halau kan..org dh mai nk blajar..apa pun kak minta maaf atas kesulitan tu..InsyaAllah w/pun kelas ramai tapi kak seboleh-boleh perturunkan juga ilmu yg ada..dan kak rasa puas hati sbb semua kak curahkan ilmu tu sama dgn kelas sebelum ni..tapi jika rozy ada apa masalah just sms me or call me..InsyaAllah kak akan bantu..ok kak harap rozy tk serik yer...dan terima kasih diatas segala komen dari rozy tu..:)

Rozy said...

kak ana,

rozy xseriklaa.. lagi nakpi next class kak ana adalaa...

Hayati said...

salam rozy, kak yati rasa kak yati juga bagitau kak ana awal-awal nak datang dan kak yati sendiri tak tau yang estimated class just for five. I thought never mind as you can learn, how many student also can but maybe less than 10 la.

Tapi memang kak yati pun enjoy and next time mungkin boleh ikut lagi tu. Malangnya kak yati tak punya banyak masa untuk xtvt sendiri tambahan lagi sekarang ni H1N1.

Sayangnya dalam gambar tu tak ada kak yati.Balik pukul berapa ya? Jangan lupa keloi-keloikak yati bila mai rumah abang nanti.

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