Many have asked me how I explained to Husna's former nursery and (3baby sitters after that :p) on EBM handling.
Not only I taught them with 5bottles of EBM storage that filled up with plain water, I printed a SOP, laminated it and stick it on their fridges.
It is very important to ensure that they really understand not only how to handle EBM but also the consequences if they fail to follow it.
I made sure they understand why they cannot shake the milk, warm the milk with hot water and why the milk must be placed at the highest compartment of the chiller.
Below is the updated SOP.
Please feel free to use it..just change the water from thermos to warmer (and elaborate more if need be) if you provide a warmer to the day care.
1- Keluarkan botol susu dari beg dan simpan botol susu di bahagian sejuk tingkat paling atas BUKAN bahagian beku.
2- Ambil botol susu mengikut turutan nombor 1,2,3,4,5,6.
3- Pasang puting.
4- Panaskan di dalam bekas yang mengandungi AIR PANAS DARI BOTOL THERMOS. Biarkan seketika.
5- Periksa suhu susu. JANGAN GONCANG BOTOL SUSU, goyang sahaja.
6- Lapik kain lampin dibawah dagu Husna.
7- Baca Bismillah
8- Pegang botol susu semasa susu diberikan.
9- Setelah selesai, BURP Husna.
10- Bilas botol susu dan cuci puting.
Susu yang tidak habis boleh disimpan dan diminum dalam masa 1jam. Buang setelah tamat 1 jam.
Jangan beri air masak.
Sekiranya ada apa-apa soalan sila telefon/sms 018-XXXX979
Terima kasih banyak-banyak naa..
Happy Breastfeeding!!
nice info tq for sharing :)
Bagus ni rozy ^_^, bley bagi kat nursery gak nih.
a good example ni. nanti bila i nak hantar anak pada baby sitter boleh ikut la SOP ni.
bagus buat cam ni..senang nak faham..kalau tak faham gak,tak tahulah
bagus buat cam ni..senang nak faham..kalau tak faham gak,tak tahulah
waw..bagusnyaaa..siap ada sop lagi ye kak..
Rozy, i nk copy ok..tq..nk kasi nursery..nxt month dh start keje copy jugk ye :)
Sila..sila..boleh jaa.. :)
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