Tuesday, January 25, 2011

BaTu HamPaQ aYaQ PuTiH & TT ApooTaErn RiNg SLiNG

 Aktiviti minggu lepas.
Singgah di Air Terjun Batu Hampar Air Putih di Serdang.
Hadiff looves water.
Main/mandi air kat depan ja..malas nak naik jauh2.
Noone there yet, still early.
So we did not have to worry on any contamination that might happen up there :p.
As usual...

Mula2 Hadiff takut nak mandi..

Dah berani, memang suka hati sangat  sampai ketaq2 dagu semua.
Abah yg kelaparan pun takdak chance nak makan..dan as expected Hadiff pun refused makan bihun yg sedap ni.

 Finally, takmo balik... so had to make story pasal nak main goyang-goyang (gosh who taught him playground is goyang-goyang..haishhh..)

Me, posing with Norley's Apootaern custom ring sling.
Nice colour combo,
Too short for my liking.
i don't favor gathered shoulder, so this is not for me.
still stiffla norley, like new..mesti hang jarang pakai kan...
masa mula2 pakai macam terkonpius jap..may be sebab reversible..nak threading tu tak tahu which colour with which colour.
confirmed!! i don't like double layer..tak kiralaa silk, cotton or linen.
Thanks a lot Norley for this opportunity.

Husna tak tgk camera sbb dia excited tgk Abang Hadiff mandi.

That's all!!


Afne said...

bestya hadif mandi manda. nnti husna dh bsr skit blh join abg ok?1

Rozy said...

husna dah tak sabaq dah tu...tu yg asik pandang abang ja.

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