Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sell2Clear - my preloved items sale blog!!
to clear some of the items from my closet/store..
I just managed to put up several of my nursing blouses, maternity blouses and maternity jeans.
So to those yg looking for affordable, presentable and good condition maternity attire, kindly drop by my preloved sale blog ya.
more stuff will be put up for sale later in there!
Thanks a lot for looking.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Milestone Husna at almost 6months
Husna is almost 6months.
She's still on exclusive breastfeeding *syukur.
Still drinks 4bottles X 4oz in good days.
She smiles a lot, gets really excited whenever we say "POMMMM!!!!"
She loves having people around her especially men.
She can accept Bumbo seat now..so less seating on our lap.
She has mastered guling-guling but crawling is still not there yet.
She threw tantrum when we put her in the rocker.
She only has one toy, a teether I bought 2 weeks ago.
No teeth yet at this moment.
Loves being held standing while looking out the car's window.She can grab things now and put it in her mouth.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Jawapan ttg menutup periuk nasi peniaga Premaxx Baby Bag Sling
Antara komen yang saya dapat dalam entry Katakan tidak pada PREMAXX Baby Bag Sling - Surat Buat kawan.
salam kak rozy.
terima kasih kerana memberi maklumat yang bagus ttg premaxx baby sling bag ni. Terima kasih juga kepada kak Ummiamsyar atas pendapat yg diberikan.
Utk pengetahuan kak Rozy, Premaxx baby sling bag ni ada 2 kegunaan. iaitu boleh digunakan dalam posisi baring dan juga posisi duduk. Mungkin utk bayi yg baru lahir tidak sesuai digunakan tapi Premaxx baby sling bag ni masih selamat digunakan utk bayi yg berumur 8 bulan hingga 2 tahun dlm posisi duduk. Seperti kata Kak Ummiamsyar, sekiranya kedudukan dan posisi bayi diletakkan dgn btol serta pastikan muka bayi
dikeluarkan..insyaallah..premaxx baby sling bag ni boleh digunakan. lagi pulak, premaxx baby sling bag ni boleh dijadikan alas tido bayi kalau tidak digunakan utk mendukung bayi.
Cuba kita lihat dlm setiap gambar yang diletakkan. lihat bagaimana posisi dan kedudukan bayi serta lihat bagaimana tangan si ayah/ ibu yang memegang bayi tersebut. Kak Rozy boleh lihat di sini----> http://honeybun-corner.blogspot.com/2010/12/mari-dekat-mari-dekat.html
Terima kasih sekali lagi saye ucapkan kerana akak memberi info berguna sekaligus membuka mate saye ttg keburukan dan kebaikan premaxx baby sling bag ni. cuma, saya agak terkilan bila kak rozy letak link premaxx baby sling bag tu. ia seperti menutup periuk nasi org lain utk memulakan perniagaan. apa yang saye cuba sampaikan..Premaxx sling bag ni masih selamat digunakan utk bayi kerana premaxx baby sling bag ni boleh digunakan dengan dua cara. kedudukan baring dan juga kedudukan duduk.. :)
minta maaf sekiranya kata-kata saya ade menyinggung perasaan kak rozy.sesungguhnya,apa yg baik dtg dr Allah dan yg buruk itu dtg dr kesilapan saye sendiri.
TQ :)
Ini adalah jawapan dari salah seorang Admin Malaysian Babywearers, Farrah.
Saya daripada Malaysian Babywearers. Saya ingin menyentuh mengenai penggunaan Bag Sling secara amnya.
Memang betul, saya setuju bahawa bag sling adalah selamat digunakan SEKIRANYA cara penggunaan adalah betul. Bahkan, konsep ini tetap sama digunapakai bagi penggunaan mana-mana sling atau baby carrier secara amnya.
Walau bagaimanapun, apa yang merisaukan ramai pihak ialah produk seperti ini dengan jelasnya adalah hanya "separa selamat", iaitu secara lebih spesifiknya, ianya kurang selamat digunakan untuk bayi-bayi kecil yang baru lahir. Isu ini amat membimbangkan, lebih-lebih lagi sekiranya ibubapa yang menggunakan bag sling seperti ini tidak mengetahui tentang cara-cara penggunaan yang selamat.
Berapa ramaikah peniaga di luar sana yang akan menyampaikan mesej berkenaan keselamatan penggunaan bag sling ini kepada pengguna? Rata-rata kebanyakan peniaga lebih mementingkan keuntungan berbanding keselamatan nyawa. Ini boleh dilihat sendiri di mana-mana, ramai peniaga hanya tahu menjual, tetapi tidak tahu cara-cara penggunaan yang betul apalagi selamat bagi produk yang dijual.
Isu bag sling ini bukan lagi satu isu yang remeh. Ia telah menyebabkan beberapa kes kematian bayi dan telah menjadi satu isu yang besar terutamanya di Amerika Syarikat sehinggakan produk terbabit diarahkan untuk ditarik balik daripada US market. Ia satu isu yang besar sehinggakan "babywearing" secara keseluruhannya telah dianggap tidak selamat oleh ramai pihak sehinggakan ramai ibubapa amat takut dan bimbang untuk menggunakan sling untuk bayi mereka. Ia menjadi satu isu yang besar hingga menyebabkan ramai pembuat dan penjual sling yang gulung tikar, bahkan hingga ke saat ini! Ia menjadi satu isu yang besar hinggakan seluruh babywearers di seluruh dunia bersatu bersama-sama untuk memboikot bag sling secara terus!
Berkenaan Premaxx Baby Sling, mungkin puan boleh lihat sendiri di laman web produk tersebut (http://www.premaxx.com/en/products/baby-bag/index.aspx), yang mengatakan bahawa produk tersebut boleh digunakan dalam kedudukan baring bagi bayi 0-5 bulan, dan dalam kedudukan duduk bagi bayi 5-18 bulan. Puan boleh lihat sendiri bagaimana pembuat produk berkenaan menggalakkan penggunaan bag sling tersebut untuk bayi yang baru lahir. Puan boleh juga baca seterusnya di bahagian FAQ (http://www.premaxx.com/en/pages/37/faq.aspx), yang mana manufacturer tersebut telah menekankan tentang unsur-unsur keselamatan yang perlu diambil perhatian apabila meletakkan bayi dalam kedudukan baring. Namun sejauh manakah mesej ini sampai ke para peniaga dan lebih-lebih lagi kepada pengguna?
Kami tidak menggalakkan penggunaan semua jenis Bag Sling, tidak kiralah mana-mana jenama pun, sama ada Infantino, Premaxx, Munchkin, dan sebagainya. Selagi ianya sejenis bag sling, ia tetap memberikan risiko kepada bayi-bayi baru lahir.
Antara cubaan menutup periuk nasi peniaga lain dengan usaha untuk meningkatkan kesedaran awam tentang bahaya penggunaan bag sling demi menyelamatkan nyawa seorang bayi, rasanya semua orang tahu mana yang lebih baik.
Kami amat mengharapkan sokongan daripada semua pihak demi keselamatan nyawa bayi kita semua.
Sekian, terima kasih atas masa yang diberikan untuk membaca komen saya yang panjang ini.
MBW Admin
Saya benar-benar berharap agar mesej yg cuba disampaikan oleh kami di Malaysian Babywearer adalah jelas sejelas jelasnya. Terima kasih kepada semua yg telah menyebarkan mesej ini kepada kawan-kawan. Terima kasih yang tidak terhingga dari kami.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Pinky Geli Girly Wrap - Didymos Eva
The wrap arrived with 2 lollipops and 4 chewing gums, a card with nice messages and tied with feathery string. The first twos were actually hidden away from Hadiff, I was was was with the halalness.
It is a Didymos Eva, woven with natural cotton, a lovely name that fits for this luscious pinks and purples beautiful striped colorway. Purrrfect for my beautiful manja Husna..
Eva is cushier than Natibaby stripes, the different is quite significant IMO eventhough can hardly differentiate by touching.The weave is in fact more dense.
In a nutshell. this wrap will stay with us for a long timeeeeeeee...:)
and definitely deserves our loves.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Katakan tidak pada PREMAXX baby bag sling - Surat untuk kawan.
Antara bahayanya:
1- Bayi yang diletakkan di dalam bag sling itu mudah tergelungsur dengan hidung akan press pada badan pemakai menyebabkan bayi sukar untuk bernafas.
2- Disebakan bayi berada paras yg rendah, pemakai sukar untuk mengawasi keadaan bayi.
3- Bentuk seperti bag menyebabkan postur bayi dalam keadaan melengkung menyebabkan saluran pernafasan melengkung dan menyebabkan kesukaran pada bayi untuk bernafas.
Monday, December 20, 2010
How to Support Breastfeeding without Demonizing Formula
This article was shared in Facebook.
Gosh I love this.
Would love to share with my friends too and also for future reference.
In fact, even Malaysia is mentioned in the article.
Should be proud of it!!
Read it. It is worth spending your time.
Friday, December 17, 2010
My Tips on How to Win a Contest.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Spanking and JANGAN!!
R.U.M.A.H.K.A.M.I is currently undergoing the high current of Terrible Twos Phase of Hadiff. (more on how to handle Terrible Twos)
Almost everyday you could hear us say "JANGAN"and most of the time at the top of our lungs.
Gosh! Hadiff could be very difficult sometimes.
Wonder where he got so much of energy.
He could not sit still for even 1minutes!
Except when he was concentrating reading his book "A,O,S,T,O" or "TUJUH, LAPAN, SEMBILAN".
He could run to and fro from end of the hall to the back of the kitchen several times non stop! (But not that our kitchen pun besaq sangatkan).
Well, the victim was always Mr Asben as I might just pretending busy with Husna. :p
As a parent, we do believe that to discipline a child, spanking or physically intimidating the child should not be involved. And most of time, we tried our best refrain from spanking him.
It always started with a soft "JANGAN" then the pitch was gradually increased to
"JANGAN!JANGAN!JANGAN!" if the warning was not listened to.
Then, it followed with "Hadiff tak faham ka Abah (or Ummi) cakap jangan?"
then a wailing cry from Hadiff-->> usually I could not stop myself from saying "Jangan nangis"
Hadiff is such Radio Buruk (my sister said that) (but he is still my charming boy).
a spank or two would normally followed after that.
Is spanking healthy? How effective is spanking as a form of discipline?
I found this beneficial articles from Parenthots. This will be my reference when it comes to handling Hadiff and may be Husna in the future.
My summary on this article and from several sources.
1- Spanking can be a healthy disciplinary act if it is for reason of disobedient and rebellion.It must be with a defined rules not because of emotion or stress.
2- Spanking must not be too gentle, if it is doesn't hurt, it will be not motivate the child to avoid consequence in the future.
3- Corporal punishment, when used lovingly and properly, is beneficial to a child because it is in harmony with nature itself.
I do believe that discipline should come with a consistent rules. NO today means it will always be NO forever.
When I am in the "ANGRY" mood, Mr Asben will stays "COOL" and vice versa. We try to balance it so that Hadiff will know who he should turn to. So far it works with us.
[STICKY POST] FS : Aqeela Muslimah Nursing blouse
Thank you.


Size : Both size L
Condition: New (never wash, never wear, tried once for testing)
Nursing opening: Top, pull down outer layer, I found it very convenient, in fact much better than yg ada string.
Material : Cotton, good for our weather.
Reason for selling : too big for me, i guess I had kurus a bit since actively producing milk for Husna..*mode perasaaaan*
Selling Price : RM29only / pc - please add RM6 for Pos laju.
If you buy both -->RM60 - the rest of the posting cost on me.
If you are interested, do e-mail me at annarozy[at]yahoo[dot]com.
Thanks for looking!
Monday, December 13, 2010
I am the Star Winner!! Not only one but TWO.
The rumours are all correct.
I won two IBW '10 Contests..YES! The star contest and Contest No 4.
The announcement is HERE.
This is my submission.
IBW'10 Contest 1: How I practise Safe Babywearing
1st prize
Comfy Joey Hunur Collection Souffle Ring Sling worth RM 449.00 sponsored by MiaBambina
ENTRY 8 by ROZIYANNA AHMAD 1) Check for wear/tear and pulled stitches. 2) Rings use tested for strength and reliable. 3) Nothing blocking the airway and two fingers distance between the chin and chest. 4) Correct position with bum below the knees. 5) The carrier is fully covered the bum. 6) Aware of dangerous object that your baby could grab. 7) Aware on sling tail to avoid trapping on moving parts. 8) Practice before wearing in public. 9) Alert on baby’s response in the sling. 10) Never attempt any dangerous activity while babywearing. 11) Use carrier that suit for the baby’s age and weight. |
IBW'10 Contest 4: The Importance of Safe Babywearing
I knew that all contests that requires photos are all tough contests. I knew I would not be able to win so I'd put all my efforts on essays. And my hard works are paid off!!
Congratulations to all winners!
Thanks to all sponsors and MBW admins. Can't wait for next year contests!!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Stash shot-ring sling
- Kalea Baby Golden Wheat with Tea Time Tomato accent.
- Comfy Joey Hawaiian Sunset size M
- Jumpsac Baby Jungle Birds in Kiwi Size M
- Sleeping Baby Silk Ring Sling Size S
- Comfy Joey Hunur Collection Mocha Souffle Size S
- Didymos Indio Rubinrot WCRS, SBPed by Snuggbaby
- Didymos Indio Lilac Gathered shoulder
- Mamaway Cotton
- Jumpsac Baby Water Mesh Sling Size S
Justifiable tak reason2 dia atas? Ngeeeeeeeee...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
HighEsT OuTpUt pAgI TaDi
hepi sgt pagi ni..dunno wat epen, Husna nenen cam biasa gak malam2 2-3kali bangun..
tp saya perasan, tiap kali makan malam lewat, the next morning mesti yield kategori lebih sikit dari biasa.
ka sebab makan coco crunch dengan fresh milk tengah-tengah malam?.. hmm malam ni leh test lagi lah...
ni first time, pam dapat banyak ni..mcm saya bagitaww dulu, output susu masa Husna tak semeriah hadiff..
9.5oz at 7.00am today.
Syukur Alhamdulillah....
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
ThIs Is ToRcHeRiNg mE!!

This is not my first participated contest but goshh!! I couldn't wait for the result to come out!!
Mintak2laaaa that rumours are all true!
(banyaknyaa tanda seru...ngeeeeeeeee)
yang paling mencik..org semua cuti-cuti mesia
aku lak
kena keja...huwaaaaaaa!!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Menang tak?

kalau tgk update kat window blog ni maaaaaaaaacaaaaaaaaamm menang..sebab nampak muka me and Husna..
ni tak official lg, sbb bila click, it does not exist..
tunggu ja lahhh esok...
berdebaq debaq nih..hehheheheh
Friday, December 3, 2010
BaCk To ThE uNiVeRsItY!

Yes, my mood has came back..I'm now back to the university completing as many as possible courses in the module.
Fill up my free time between tasks.
It is an online university or can be said as Teleflex University <--baguskan.
I believe I am among those you scored the most courses in my company..
even last time I gained the first place *clap clap.
Okie dokie, back to the class. *At this moment trying my level best to complete the active listening course.
Monday, November 29, 2010
GoLdEn wHeAt kalea Baby Ring Sling



I bought a cheap ring sling di FSOT TBW.
Golden Wheat with Tea Time Tomato accent.
I actually stalked the thread (bookmark the page) and hope that the seller would further reduce the selling price and no one would be interested to buy... Hahaha like a jackpot..I rembat terus once it was reduced to less than USD40. I wanted to try Kalea shoulder.
I love the colour, it is striking with beautiful embroidery stitching.
There is also a hidden pocket with velcro closure (would appreciate more if it zip).
IMHO Kalea shoulder is almost similar like SBP/pleated.
The RS linen fabric is oredi soft and broken.
Friday, November 26, 2010
I jUst LoVe ThIS!

I just love this pic and couldn't help myself from putting it here.
Hadiff has started to show his love on Husna despite kadang2 jelous.
Sometimes he called Husna "Adik Ambut Acak" and said "Auuwwww.." konon Husna has sharp spiky hair..haishhh... never fail to make me and Mr Asben laugh.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Abu Ada Ayam, a.a.a

This is my first step on TRUE homeschooling Hadiff.
Bought from AdikBijak.com.
I was actually looking and asking around on how to teach Hadiff to read.
Did not want to spend thousands on just CDs (not kedekut just not really confident with the method).
I know there are many method out there, to name a few Magic English la, Grolier laa..
But I was looking for bahasa melayu dulu, later2 when Hadiff shows some progress then I will dip further on English.
Info on this method:-
Penulis: Nik Eliani Nik Nawi & Othman Ahamad
ISBN: 978-983-3901-08-1
- Semenanjung: RM24.90
- Sabah & Sarawak: RM28.90
- Singapura: SD15.90
- Brunei Darussalam: BD15.90
Kandungan Pakej:
VCD lagu Abu Ada Ayam, 30 keping kad tunjuk & 1 buku mewarna
Tahun: Mei 2007
Mengenai Produk
Lagu Fonik Abu Ada Ayam dapat membantu guru dan ibu bapa memperkenalkan bunyi kepada pelajar melalui nyanyian dan aksi-aksi asosiasi yang menyeronokkan. Bunyi-bunyi yang diperkenalkan dalam lagu ini adalah mengikut susunan bunyi yang diperkenalkan dalam buku Siri Cepat Membaca Bacalah Anakku.
Keistimewaan Produk
- Berasaskan Sistem Fonetik
- Suku kata mudah
- Bermakna dan berulang
- Diiringi lagu Abu Ada Ayam (Rentak boria dan Nursery Rhyme)
- Berima
- Disertai Gambar

This is only the introduction on how to say the words,,not the usual A,B,C method.
Hadiff loves Abu Ada Ayam song.. when he wanted to watch the CD,
he simply asked for "nak Ayam a.a.a"..
or sometimes
he said "Abah Ayam a.a.a"
Not bad for 1week trial, he managed to pick up O and A. And he could actually said Orange (when it supposed to be oren *roll eyes*, but finally he knew that not all fruits are Epen (read:epal)), tembak, Acak Enak-Enak (Ema Masak Enak ) just by looking on the cards.
The only problem I have is, Hadiff like to keep playing the CD over and over eventhough he obviously dah boring. From what I read, we should stop the lesson before he gets boring. Susah sangat tang tu. Any tips on this. What I did is start playing Chuggington.
So far, I am happy with this method eventhough I heard bad review on phonic. Budak susah nak mengeja later on. Nevermind, this is fun. Hadiff will learn how to read then we will teach him how to spell.
I hope Hadiff will be able to read simple words before he turn 4years old.
That is my target. InsyaAllah...
Monday, November 15, 2010
ViSiTiNg sLiNgS - PsLiNgS
2) Psling linen in yellow w/gold rings -right shoulder, loooong. This is an older version of psling, doesn't have the small square tag and no word psling engraved on the rings.
3) DIY faux kasuri psling in blue -left shoulder, short-med length. I made this myself, just sending along so you can feel how a kasuri is. Note that mine has some cotton in it, while psling's is all linen so may be crunchier.
psling linen in yellow
the golden ring
psling cotton colours in brown
I never try pslings before, even never had it in my hands to pegang-pegang. So this is totally a new experience to me with no one to guide just depends on Zana's video.
Fabric - Linen yellow is thin..so thin that I'm afraid of shredding it during threading. But once wear it, it feel airy, breathable yet sturdy. But I don't really like the fact that it is yellow and see through. Colours feels hmmm... cottony and thick but soft and cushy.
Threading - Hmm.. I would say I took 4X longer threading these slings compares to my other slings. Colours is easier to thread compares to linen. May be due to bigger rings. Though linen is thinner but the rings are so small. I am a right shoulder and threading on wrong shoulder with colours is not easy. Failed miserably, tried twice and gave up., may be just my techniques not due to the kain or what not.
I wore linen yellow for1 hour straight, carrying 6.5kg Husna. Well, I like the shoulder but I love Jumpsac padded shoulder more. I like wearing it higher means no tag near my neck. The shoulder tends to dig my neck when I wear it lower. I like the look of the sling at my back..it does look neat but of course cannot hide those lemak2 or spare tyre. Now, I am certain that I'm not comfortable with super wide width on Husna, too many excess fabric..may be OK for bigger baby.
rings - gold (women's best friend / wealth) and shiny..they are flat and once threaded it is not easy to adjust unless I want to start the pain all over again. IMHO, it definitely a turn down for those with newborn who wear their babies between cradle carry and t2t or even sling nursers. But that just my opinion who know nothing about psling.
Psling..hmm may be I will get one for me..or may be not..not sure yet but there is a yummy looking red wine in TBW FSOT..hahahah
Thursday, November 11, 2010
FS : Wombfruits Gauze Wrap -SOLD! Thx dear.
Up gambaq sikit

Colour : Guava
Length : 4.6m
Condition : EEEEEUC
Comes with a matching bag.

Soooooooo recommended for newborn and small babies..soft, thin and airy.
Purrrrrrrfect gift for a friend who just give birth.
PST: I may hunt for this wrap back..hmm may be 3years from now.
Please e-mail at Annarozy[at]yahoo[dot]com if interested.
Thanks for looking.Wednesday, November 10, 2010
HuSnA,CoLd & BrEaStFeEdInG
It is the SEASON again... babies and small kids are down with either cold, cough, fever or all of these. DL 123 fed Hadiff and breastfed Husna are also infected. Siblings tie, joy and cry..one infected the other one will follow..in fact this time the mother also join in the ride..Does this has to do with the Merapi Mountain?
Cold, congestion, running nose cause difficulty to Husna to Breastfeed. She felt restless and uncalm unlike she used to be in a fine day. Her sucking was not consistent and I could see frustrations all over her cute cheeky face. Sometimes her legs were kicking and her hands were actually scratching my breast or pulling my shirt. These indicate her difficulty to breathe and breastfeed.
I found this good article on how to sooth the breastfeeding baby.
It is for you to share and for me for future reference.
Copy and Paste from KELLYMOM.COM
If baby has a cold and is congested, it can make breastfeeding difficult. However, it is almost always easier for a sick baby to nurse than to take a bottle. If your baby has a stuffy nose and is having a hard time breathing and nursing at the same time, try the following:
- Keep baby as upright as possible while nursing. At night, try propping up on lots of pillows and nursing/sleeping semi-upright. Also try the Australian position (mom is "down under") - in this position, mom is lying on her back and baby is on top (facing down), tummy to tummy with mom.
- The best thing you can do to help baby's illness end quickly is to nurse often - that way she gets lots of the antibodies that your body is making to help her fight off the illness. Frequent nursing also helps to ensure that baby is getting plenty of milk (congested babies often nurse for shorter times since it's hard to breathe and nurse at the same time).
- Use saline drops (or breastmilk) & a rubber suction bulb to clear baby's nose before nursing (if baby won't tolerate the bulb syringe, then the saline drops/breastmilk alone should still help).
- Put baby on your knees, face up and tilt your knees a little downhill (so baby's head is angled away from you, toward the floor).
- Put 2-3 drops of saline in each nostril and let it sit for a minute or so.
- To suction the mucus out, squeeze the bulb part of the syringe first, gently stick the rubber tip into one nostril, then slowly release the bulb.
- If baby is really congested, you may have to do this several times a day. Do it BEFORE baby nurses; if you do it afterwards your baby may spit up everything she's eaten because syringing can stimulate the gag reflex.
- To prepare saline drops at home, dissolve one teaspoon of salt in two cups of warm water.
- Run a vaporizer or humidifier, preferably in a small closed room.
- Boil a pot of water (some moms use small crock pots/potpourri pots), remove from the stove and add a few drops of essential oil (for example, eucalyptus, sage or balsam), and let the scent permeate the air. This may help relieve some head congestion.
- Do NOT apply products containing peppermint oil, camphor or menthol on the face (especially in the nose) or chest of a baby or young child. There have been cases where the direct application of menthol or camphor products (for example, Vicks VapoRub™) to baby's skin resulted in severe breathing difficulties or liver problems (see Camphor Hepatoxicity, Camphor Monograph and Menthol Toxicology).
- Nurse in a steamy bathroom. To pump up the steam, run a really hot shower and set a chair outside the shower for nursing.
- The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommend that children under the age of six not be given over-the-counter cough or cold medicines due to the risk of serious and life-threatening side effects. There is also no evidence that over-the-counter cold meds actually benefit children younger than six years old. There are several well controlled studies where there has been no difference shown between children given medication and those who have not.
Sometimes moms are advised to limit or discontinue breastfeeding because milk increases mucus production. This is not good advice for two reasons:
- You are not a cow and your milk is not a dairy product. So even if dairy is a problem, your milk would not be.
- In addition, there is no scientific evidence that cow's milk results in the production of more mucus unless you are allergic to dairy product
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
DaPaT SiGnAtUrE FrEe!!
Tapi saya dapat benda free dari KAK YONG.
Signature siap ada butterfly lagik..heheheee
cantik tak?
Now kena stadi camna nak include siggy lam post lak..
Terima kasih kak yong!

Monday, November 8, 2010
IcEpAck FrEe
1- Timbang icepack MLO, so that we can make icepack with almost same size as MLO.
2-Ceduk gel masukkan ke dalam plastik.
3- Plastik yang mengandungi gel dimasukkan ke dalam plastik kosong supaya jadik double layer. Tahan lasak sikitkan...
4- Lipat kemas-kemas dan selotep dihujung.
5- Beg free to potong same size dengan pouch MLO tp tinggalkan sikit tuk hemp. Me malas nak jahit jelujur so nanti nak suh sapa2 tolong jahitkan.
6- Masukkan lam peti ais bahagian beku atau deep freezer anda.
7- Dah keras leh la guna.
Nota kaki:
Ensure that your kids are not around masa buat ni.
Eventhough you wear glove, please.. please.. wash your hand thoroughly before handling other things.
Hmm..thinking of giving away ice block2 tu..but how la? Ada org interested nak ka?
But prefer passing ja, sebab it is heavy.. post mesti mahal.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
KeLaB SuSu iBu pEnAnG
Sekadar menwar-warkan usaha murni rakan2 laktasi yang saya kenal.
Kami sama-sama memperjuangkan penyusuan susu ibu.
Sekiranya anda atau sesiapa yang anda kenal mempunyai masalah, keraguan ataupun perlukan sokongan, bolehlah menghubungi mereka.
They are all very helpful.
Friday, November 5, 2010
MBW International Babywearing Week 2010 Giveaway Contest

Here they are. Hope I can score one of the bags ;-)
-Babywearing A Newborn (0-2 months)
-Babywearing An Older Child (1 year old and above)
-Babywearing And Multitasking
-Breastfeeding While Babywearing
-Child Babywearer (can also be 'teddywearer' ^_^)

To Enter:
1. Post your contest entry in your blog under the title “MBW International Babywearing Week 2010 Giveaway Contest”. -DONE!
2. Attach the MBW IBW 2008 Walk photo. - DONE!
3. Post your photo(s) for the chosen category(ies). Be sure to write the title of the category on top of each photo. -DONE!
4. Be a follower for Malaysian Babywearers blog.-DONE!
5. Be a fan at Malaysian Babywearers Facebook Page.-DONE!
6. Place the MBW logo at your side banner and link the logo back to us at http://malaysianbabywearers.org .-DONE!
7. Place the IBW 2010 logo at your side banner and link the logo to http://www.babywearingweek.org .-DONE!
8. Enlist Malaysian Babywearers' blog in your blogroll/blog list.-DONE UNDER MBW FRENZIE.
9. Leave a comment in this blog post with your name and the URL link to your contest entry in your blog.-DONE!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
For Sale : Ilham Nursing Blouse - SOld! Thanks kak!

Size : L
Material : Lycra
Nursing Opening : Button access and lift up the second layer, very discreet.
Condition : New, never wash, tried once then simpan
Reason for selling : L size is big for me, so I bought another with size M and happy with it (xcaya tgk kat bawah na).
Buying price : RM45 + RM6 (shipping cost)
Let Go Price : Willing to sell at RM39 shipped via registered post. (you save RM12!)
If interested to buy do contact me at annarozy@yahoo.com
Thanks for looking!
