Semalam saya tengok berita tentang kaki seorang student lebam disepak guru disiplin gara-gara terlewat ke sekolah. Wahh..glamer budak tu kan siap masuk berita primetime lagi. Entahla, rasa macam manja sangat budak sekarang..kisah ibu bapa datang serang sekolah sebab kena denda dengan cikgu sekolah itu adalah kebiasaan.
Entahlaa nak sebelah mana.
Mesti ada sebab guru bertindak sedemikian
Mesti ada sebab kenapa murid itu jadi begitu
Teringat kisah Mr A yang tiap kali saya terkenang, mesti tergenang air mata saya.
Teringat masa pertama kali Mr A cerita pada saya, tergenang air mata dia.
Cerita Mr A ditunjuk penumbuk oleh seorang guru gara-gara Mr A memohon untuk duduk di asrama sekolah.
Kenapa guru itu bertindak sedemikian?
-kerana jarak antara rumah Mr A hanya beberapa ratus meter dari sekolah.
Kenapa Mr A masih memohon?
-kerana Mr A mahu suasana belajar yang lebih baik kerana pada masa itu belum ada bekalan elektrik dirumahnya. Keluarga Mr A ketika itu agak susah.
Saya bukan menyebelahi Mr A kerana dia seorang yg rapat dengan saya. Kalau saya baca kisah ni di surat khabar pun sudah pastinya saya menyebelahinya. Tanpa bertanya sebab permohonan yang tidak lojik itu dibuat, guru itu boleh bertindak sedemikian. Ish..ish... patutkah? Apa pendapat semua? Itu baru permohonan, kalau dah tak bagi masuk janganla sampai tunjuk penumbuk. Walaupun dah hampir 20 tahun berlalu, kejadian itu masih menjadi kenangan sedih.
Tapi tak dinafikan
anak-anak zaman sekarang agak manja.
Baru dicubit, sudah heboh sedunia.
Ingat zaman saya dulu, cubit perut itu biasa saja. Kena cubit ada sebabnya. Kena tahu sebabnya baru dicubit. Kena pukul dengan pembaris kayu panjang pun biasa.
Tak pernah pulak terlintas dalam fikiran saya mahu mengadu pada abah saya.
Hmm..mungkin sebab abah saya garang, mungkin abah saya akan tambah lagi.
Owh, saya pun ada cerita sedih tentang guru, guru lukisan saya.
Saya bukan seorang pelukis, malah bukan dianugerahkan tangan seni.
Tapi kenyataan keluar dari guru lukisan ini, benar-benar buat saya sedih dan saya ingat sampai sekarang.
dengan menghentak meja dia berkata, "Awak ni memang gagal! Saya tak tahu apa nak jadi dengan awak nanti!".
jika saya boleh berjumpa dengan dia lagi, ingin saya katakan, " Cikgu, walaupun saya gagal dalam kelas lukisan cikgu, saya masih lagi boleh berjaya dalam hidup saya".
InsyaAllah bila anak-anak saya sudah bersekolah, saya tak kisah kalau mereka didenda. Tapi kenalah tahu apa sebabnya. Cikgu didiklah mereka dengan sebaiknya.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
ArIfA DaLiLaH bIrThDaY PaRtY

Sampai sana jumpa dengan Dayah, antara blogger terawal yang saya kenal dan juga sahabat First time jumpa dengan empunya nama Min dan si cute itu. Dan statement pertama dari Min "Akak nampak tinggi dan besar"..Aisey Min, termalu lak ahkak ni..hehehhe. Birthday girl macam takdak mood ja tapi still maintain posing bila ambil gambar. :-). Then jumpa Sarah another happy and family oriented blogger and juga kenal dengan mamaAleeya yg rupanya tinggal setaman dengan saya.. Kecik ja kan dunia ni.
HadiffBolat macam biasalaa, happy sangat especially bila dapat belon. Gosh, rasa macam hilang sabar bila belon Hadiff masuk dalam pinggan orang, terkena orang sana sini and I was relieved bila belon tu pecah..hahahahahha.
Kami tak beria sangat makan sebab baru lepas lunch ja kat rumah (piknik bawah pokok depan rumah tepi bendang dengan angin sepoi2 bahasa dengan lauk sedap makcik masak..adeyyy masih terkenang2). Tapi bila nak balik ja husband Min titipkan bungkusan nasik tuk bawak pulang. Wahhh rezeki rezeki. Sedap lak tu.
susahnya nak dapat gambaq yg cantik dengan budak2 ni
Terima kasih Min atas jemputan. Seronok jumpa Dayah, Sara dan MamaAleeya.
Harap Dalila suka hadiah yang Aunty bagi.
Posted by
10:23 AM
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
MiLk BoOsTeRs
I did tell you in previous entry that my EBM yeild now is not as meriah like I used to get masa zaman HadiffBolat dulu.
Last time I got around 7-9oz per pumping session.
This morning yeild.
in fact recently, it was getting worse, just approximately 4-5oz *sob sob*
Well, there are many reasons to that (which I had discussed about it also)
Something MUST be done
I am back to my routine intakes
of yummeh Longan drink (instant sebab tak berani minum boiled longan takut Husna tak sesuai)

and my favourite creamy-licous Melilea Organic Soya Drink
Last time I got around 7-9oz per pumping session.
Now, it just merely 5-6oz.

in fact recently, it was getting worse, just approximately 4-5oz *sob sob*
Well, there are many reasons to that (which I had discussed about it also)
Something MUST be done
I am back to my routine intakes
of yummeh Longan drink (instant sebab tak berani minum boiled longan takut Husna tak sesuai)

Instant red dates and longan Tea (RM13 something kot bought at JJ)
and my favourite creamy-licous Melilea Organic Soya Drink

bought at Melilea showroom in Bukit Mertajam (RM13.80 member price, NM = RM15.90)
It worked wonders to me last time
hope it would still work wonders to me this time.
to those who are having kemerosotan...
why not give a try on this. *wink*
Posted by
3:13 PM
Simple and comfy brought by Comfy Joey.
This is a visiting sling, Temp Trade with Miza.
She offered me this sling to be temp traded with my Jumpsac Jungle Birds on Kiwi.

Product Review
- the fabric is linen, so no doubt it is a comfortable sling (I would say much more than a silk sling), another plus point is it is very durable. So can lanyak everyday.
-Length wise - just nice with me in T2T yet to try cradle carry, but definitely longer than my Hunur (I should measure the length - owe Miza this)
- Love the colour combo, wine/teal.. I would imagine myself in jeans and t-shirt with this sling.
This is a visiting sling, Temp Trade with Miza.
She offered me this sling to be temp traded with my Jumpsac Jungle Birds on Kiwi.
Product Review
- the fabric is linen, so no doubt it is a comfortable sling (I would say much more than a silk sling), another plus point is it is very durable. So can lanyak everyday.
-Length wise - just nice with me in T2T yet to try cradle carry, but definitely longer than my Hunur (I should measure the length - owe Miza this)
- Love the colour combo, wine/teal.. I would imagine myself in jeans and t-shirt with this sling.
Miza, dibs!! :-)
I never been apart from my JS has been very useful and it has gained so much love from me.
Miss it already..
dengan surat cinta lagi tuk miza..heheheh
Posted by
11:14 AM
Monday, September 27, 2010
CJ HuNuR CoLlEcTiOn mOcHa SoUfFlE
This is one of my recent ISO
which has been generously answered, offered by a MBW member
eventhough my original ISO is Fields of Gold,
this one appears to be similar eventhough not exact.
And I am very grateful for that.
Thanks Pah!
Product Review
- I love the shining shimmering material of the dupioni silk, and that is the reason why this sling is only meant for occasion sling and recommended to be worn sparingly. It does look luxurious in real life.
- I love the accent tail with those details and handmade embroidery. It does not look 'heavy', it is simple and just nice for a mom of two whom the eldest son may be interested to pull out the sequins.
- Owh the shoulder style is so comfy. Not sure what type of the shoulder though.
- I wish the tail is slightly longer, looks more feminine.
- Easy to thread eventhough the silk is slightly stiff (as compared to my SBP Custom Silk)
Dibs? The ex-owner has dibs back this sling.. :-)
Posted by
12:50 PM
Friday, September 24, 2010
I came across an entry in a friend's blog telling about his eldest son who loves to arrange toys like a long queues. And her son was about the same age as HadiffBolat when he started to do that.
Then only I noticed that recently HadiffBolat also loves to arrange things, I mean not only his toys but also coins and milk bottles.
Initially, when he started to arrange uikk (read:duit which he means duit syilling) in a moving car, Mr Asben and I had been suddenly really irritated by him. Yes, felt disturbed by HadiffBolat's yelling and frustrations when his properly arranged uikk started to slide down. How do you expect coins to be static on a slippery water proof cushion car seat of a moving car? We kept explaining to him that his coins will definitely move but how do you expect an almost 2 years old boy to understand that?
Luckily, Mr Asben had a brilliant idea. We played race with the coins and see which coin will reach HadiffBolat the fastest. It turned out to be a super D-duper fun game!!
HadiffBolat with EBM storage bottles. It was a big accomplishment for me *big clap*
Then only I noticed that recently HadiffBolat also loves to arrange things, I mean not only his toys but also coins and milk bottles.
Initially, when he started to arrange uikk (read:duit which he means duit syilling) in a moving car, Mr Asben and I had been suddenly really irritated by him. Yes, felt disturbed by HadiffBolat's yelling and frustrations when his properly arranged uikk started to slide down. How do you expect coins to be static on a slippery water proof cushion car seat of a moving car? We kept explaining to him that his coins will definitely move but how do you expect an almost 2 years old boy to understand that?
Luckily, Mr Asben had a brilliant idea. We played race with the coins and see which coin will reach HadiffBolat the fastest. It turned out to be a super D-duper fun game!!
HadiffBolat with EBM storage bottles. It was a big accomplishment for me *big clap*
Posted by
10:47 AM
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Am I insane?
Just getting too hooked?
on a carrier.
Another ring sling when I have an enough 5 ring slings?
Aishah may say she never feel enough eventhough she has like more than 10?
But this ring sling is really rich and elegant and sooooooo a beauty..
Gila bayang, mimpi siang malam I would say.
How I wish it is still available anywhere.
Now I can only hope someone will let go theirs. *pray hard*
Comfy Joey Hunur Collection Silk Ring Sling
Fields of Gold
Pic credit to miabambina
Just getting too hooked?
on a carrier.
Another ring sling when I have an enough 5 ring slings?
Aishah may say she never feel enough eventhough she has like more than 10?
But this ring sling is really rich and elegant and sooooooo a beauty..
Gila bayang, mimpi siang malam I would say.
How I wish it is still available anywhere.
Now I can only hope someone will let go theirs. *pray hard*
Comfy Joey Hunur Collection Silk Ring Sling
Fields of Gold
Pic credit to miabambina
Posted by
10:26 AM
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
hADIfF DaN rAyA '10
Tahun ni HadiffBolat dah ada sikit appreciatenya tentang raya.
Hadiff dah tahu kena amin tuk dapatkan envelop raya.
Hadiff dah.... hmmm apa lagi ekkk?..Rrrrrr... emmm.... apa lagi ya...kekekkeke tu ja kot.. okaylaa kan...
We found out, HadiffBolat takut bunyi mercun, in fact dia takut jugak tengok bunga api kat langit.. penakut rupanya anak ummi ni...tapi kalau bercerita memang gempak.. "Ummi....pommmm!!!!"
Last year HadiffBolat suka makan maruku, this year HadiffBolat suka makan kerepek pedas.
Hadiff dah pandai sebut uuikk (read:duit), so tiap kali dapat duit raya dia memang akan sebut (uuikk!! yeay..yeay..) <--never :-="" anak="" at="" balik="" berjalan="" bertuah="" buat="" budak-budak="" cousin="" dan="" duit="" envelope="" fail="" felt="" first="" for="" front="" grown="" had="" hadiff="" hand="" he="" him="" house.="" i="" ikut="" in="" interested="" jiran="" just="" kat="" ke="" kecik="" kertas="" kutip="" lain...="" lap="" laugh="" like="" looked="" mail="" mak="" make="" marcella="" means..boleh="" meja="" memang="" money...="" more="" ngah="" no="" of="" on="" orang..="" pak="" people="" pergi="" raya..rumah="" renyok-renyokkan..bagi="" rumah="" s="" sad...seems="" seperti="" several="" span="" style="font-size: 78%;" than="" the="" them="" time="" tisu="" to="" together="" up="" value...="" was="" when="" with="" yang="">macamlaa HadiffBolat pergi berperang and I could not help feeling sad seeing them standing patiently in front of Pak Mail's house waiting for someone to give them duit syilling.. Bila HadiffBolat dapat ja.. he ran back home and said "Ummi...uikk...uikk....!!" with 20cent in his right hand. Terasa macam mintak sedekah lak..huhuhuhu..cukup.. I told Mr Asben about this uneasiness I had just now. Mr Asben was in consensus not to encourage our kids to kutip duit raya unless with us visiting families and friends.--never>
BabyHusna lak has been such a nice, calm and cute baby... just on the first day raya, Husna kembung perut sebab Ummi makan ketupat banyak..Couldn't forgive myself on that.
Ummi : Hadiff dapat duit raya banyak..
HadiffBolatt : Anyakkkk.....
Ummi : Hadiff nak beli apa guna duit tu?
HadiffBolat : Uloq!! (read:telur)
HadiffBolat sangat suka makan teloq!!
Posted by
9:00 AM
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
KeNaPa kUrAnG?
Hmm.... kali ni saya rasa susu saya macam kurang sikit dari masa Hadiff dulu..
Seingat-ingat sayalaa masa saya awal2 back to work from maternity leave, my EBM yield for 10am pumping session was approximately 7 to 8oz, 4oz from each B. And my B could feel heavy and slightly engorged. But kali ni, no that heavy feel and way far from being engorged. Today I only managed to pump out 5oz, 2.5oz from each B... *sigh*.. why..why..why...
Below is the list of possibility why this time susu saya kurang pada kali ini/hari ini banding dulu:-
1) Selama bercuti raya ni..dari hari khamis lepas hingga hari Isnin, saya tak pump langsung! So the demand might be low and my body had accustomed to the low demand.
2) I was so busy for the past several days with traveling and celebration, so I might have taken less healthy fluid (air kosong) and also food (asik makan kuih raya jaa).
Tapi tu laa kan, tuhan ni maha adil dan bijaksana
3) Husna tak consume susu banyak macam HadiffBolat dulu.
4) Husna nenen pun macam main2 jaa....) Deep freezer pun dah separuh penuh..kalau pump banyak2 nak letak mana kan.
untuk menyedapkan hati long as berat badan Husna naik dengan cantiknya (<--dah makin terasa kalau kendong lam sling), it would be fine...
Seingat-ingat sayalaa masa saya awal2 back to work from maternity leave, my EBM yield for 10am pumping session was approximately 7 to 8oz, 4oz from each B. And my B could feel heavy and slightly engorged. But kali ni, no that heavy feel and way far from being engorged. Today I only managed to pump out 5oz, 2.5oz from each B... *sigh*.. why..why..why...
Below is the list of possibility why this time susu saya kurang pada kali ini/hari ini banding dulu:-
1) Selama bercuti raya ni..dari hari khamis lepas hingga hari Isnin, saya tak pump langsung! So the demand might be low and my body had accustomed to the low demand.
2) I was so busy for the past several days with traveling and celebration, so I might have taken less healthy fluid (air kosong) and also food (asik makan kuih raya jaa).
Tapi tu laa kan, tuhan ni maha adil dan bijaksana
3) Husna tak consume susu banyak macam HadiffBolat dulu.
4) Husna nenen pun macam main2 jaa....) Deep freezer pun dah separuh penuh..kalau pump banyak2 nak letak mana kan.
untuk menyedapkan hati long as berat badan Husna naik dengan cantiknya (<--dah makin terasa kalau kendong lam sling), it would be fine...
Posted by
12:27 PM
TaZkIrAh haRI pErTaMa bEKERjA
Mesti ramai yg masih bercutikan.
Saya dah mula bekerja hari extended cuti for me and Mr Asben.
Raya biasa-biasa jaa... menziarah sanak saudara..tapi yg paling best sebab this year saya dapat berjumpa dengan semua tok-tok saya (tok, tok jah dan tok Ie <--tokwan saya ada 4 isteri dan kami sangat rapat. Tokwan dan Opah dah tiada.)
HadiffBolat dah faham yang dia kena amin dulu sebelum ambil sampul raya.
mood kerja dah ada sikit-sikit..
terjumpa tazkirah dibawah ni dari satu forum kekeluargaan..
rasa nak share dengan kawan-kawan dan buat rujukan saya di masa hadapan.
Manusia Bertanya, Al Quran Menjawab
"Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan; "Kami telah beriman," sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya kami telah menguji orang-orang yang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui orang-orang yang dusta."
-Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3
"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui."
-Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216
"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya."
-Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286
"Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman."
-Surah Ali-Imran ayat 139
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu (menghadapi segala kesukaran dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara yang berkebajikan), dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu lebih daripada kesabaran musuh, di medan perjuangan), dan bersedialah (dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah-daerah sempadan) serta bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah supaya, kamu berjaya (mencapai kemenangan)."
-Surah Ali-Imran ayat 200
"Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk"
-Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 45
"Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli daripada orang-orang mu'min, diri, harta mereka dengan memberikan syurga utk mereka.....
-Surah At-Taubah ayat 111
"Cukuplah Allah bagiku, tidak ada Tuhan selain daripada-Nya. Hanya kepadaNya aku bertawakkal."
-Surah At-Taubah ayat 129
".....dan janganlah kamu berputus asa daripada rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa daripada rahmat Allah melainkan kaum yang kafir."
-Surah Yusuf ayat 12
Mesti ramai yg masih bercutikan.
Saya dah mula bekerja hari extended cuti for me and Mr Asben.
Raya biasa-biasa jaa... menziarah sanak saudara..tapi yg paling best sebab this year saya dapat berjumpa dengan semua tok-tok saya (tok, tok jah dan tok Ie <--tokwan saya ada 4 isteri dan kami sangat rapat. Tokwan dan Opah dah tiada.)
HadiffBolat dah faham yang dia kena amin dulu sebelum ambil sampul raya.
mood kerja dah ada sikit-sikit..
terjumpa tazkirah dibawah ni dari satu forum kekeluargaan..
rasa nak share dengan kawan-kawan dan buat rujukan saya di masa hadapan.
Manusia Bertanya, Al Quran Menjawab
"Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan; "Kami telah beriman," sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya kami telah menguji orang-orang yang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui orang-orang yang dusta."
-Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3
"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui."
-Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216
"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya."
-Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286
"Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman."
-Surah Ali-Imran ayat 139
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu (menghadapi segala kesukaran dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara yang berkebajikan), dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu lebih daripada kesabaran musuh, di medan perjuangan), dan bersedialah (dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah-daerah sempadan) serta bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah supaya, kamu berjaya (mencapai kemenangan)."
-Surah Ali-Imran ayat 200
"Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk"
-Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 45
"Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli daripada orang-orang mu'min, diri, harta mereka dengan memberikan syurga utk mereka.....
-Surah At-Taubah ayat 111
"Cukuplah Allah bagiku, tidak ada Tuhan selain daripada-Nya. Hanya kepadaNya aku bertawakkal."
-Surah At-Taubah ayat 129
".....dan janganlah kamu berputus asa daripada rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa daripada rahmat Allah melainkan kaum yang kafir."
-Surah Yusuf ayat 12
Posted by
10:01 AM
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
MeNaNg LaGi

See I told you so.
Lately, LUCKY is my middle name.
Yesterday, I won another prize..heheehehe
A CD from Hanz blog.
Posted by
11:54 AM
PrOjEk bIsKuT RaYa LaGi
Me likeyyy biskut arab... sedap dengan rasa macam susu susu sikit..Actually anything that has to do with susu..I loiikeeee sangat sangat... Owh..In fact I have a special moments with biskut arab... I was baking biskut arab in 2008 when I started to turun darah and delivered HadiffBolat 2 days after that. And guess what, I could only eat Biskut Arab during Hari Raya as it doesn't contain egg. HadiffBolat was born on the 30th Ramadhan / 30th September while me was on the 22th Syawal / 30th September <--sebok gak tu nak canang-canang.. So this year, I baked biskut arab again..thanks to Kak Yong who has shared the recipe in her website. So kalau nak makan, kena buat sendirilaaa..lgpun senang bangatlaaa cara buat dia and gerenti jadik.
It just not me nak buat kaler-kaler, original colour is enough as long as the taste is gooooooooood!
And instead of using castor sugar for garnishing I used icing sugar so less sweet.

It just not me nak buat kaler-kaler, original colour is enough as long as the taste is gooooooooood!
And instead of using castor sugar for garnishing I used icing sugar so less sweet.
As usual thanks to my loyal photographer Mr Asben..rajin stay up tunggu biskut siap.. *hugs*
Posted by
8:32 AM
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
NuRsInG BlOuSe #1
Okes, raya mood is finally here..yeap after a kuih making session last weekend and a ketumpat palas preps last night, the raya mood is finally here..yeay!! Aikk what this mood raya has to do with the topic? Well, when there is raya mood, so less other mood (read:work) ..ngeh..ngeh..ngeh.. not that I have much to do at this moment..IYKWIM *wink*.
I am back to 8 to 5 routine work after my 2 months maternity leave (which feel not enough) and means that I am allowable to cruise in shopping complexes and parks. And just exactly like after I just had HadiffBolat, I feel that my wardrobe has to be changed. New baby means new clothes, new style ..bla..bla..bla.. or it just me with extra pounds and spare tires.
This time I am focusing more on nursing blouse..means.. if I can find any that catches my eyes.. in the net of course. I had a tough time to find a good one last time but now I am grateful to know that there are many muslimah nursing blouse. I just bought one from aqeela and one more on the way from Ilham.
Bought from HERE.
I love the top nursing opening, easy access to you know what.
Last time, I had one nursing blouse which I really hate (I gave it away). I had to pull the front layer , then pull in the opening in second layer, then unhook my bra. Too much hassle.
But this nursing blouse offers generous opening, therefore I do not have to dig out you know what. I just pull up slightly the plain white layer and unhook my nursing bra. Easy peasy..
A part from that, I just fall in love with the is cotton, cool, thin but not see through.
A muslimah t-shirt with long sleeve and the length is nicely until my hip.
Another bonus is the fabric motive which is feminine and look lovely on the wearerke perasaan sahaja
But... I am kind of hate the string..see the above photo. I have to fiddle with the string before I can pull up the front layer, I prefer it to be a button instead, you know like a baju kurung, but not like those nursing blouse with a row of buttons!

This nursing blouse makes my Nursing-In-Public a smooth sailing and I do not have to rush to find a nursing room or any isolated corner. I can be a proud breastfeeding Ummi!!
That is all for now. I will do more reviews if I buy more nursing blouse. :-P
Care to share on what is your favourite nursing blouse and where to get it?
Selamat Hari Raya!!
Okes, raya mood is finally here..yeap after a kuih making session last weekend and a ketumpat palas preps last night, the raya mood is finally here..yeay!! Aikk what this mood raya has to do with the topic? Well, when there is raya mood, so less other mood (read:work) ..ngeh..ngeh..ngeh.. not that I have much to do at this moment..IYKWIM *wink*.
I am back to 8 to 5 routine work after my 2 months maternity leave (which feel not enough) and means that I am allowable to cruise in shopping complexes and parks. And just exactly like after I just had HadiffBolat, I feel that my wardrobe has to be changed. New baby means new clothes, new style ..bla..bla..bla.. or it just me with extra pounds and spare tires.
This time I am focusing more on nursing blouse..means.. if I can find any that catches my eyes.. in the net of course. I had a tough time to find a good one last time but now I am grateful to know that there are many muslimah nursing blouse. I just bought one from aqeela and one more on the way from Ilham.
Bought from HERE.
I love the top nursing opening, easy access to you know what.
Last time, I had one nursing blouse which I really hate (I gave it away). I had to pull the front layer , then pull in the opening in second layer, then unhook my bra. Too much hassle.
But this nursing blouse offers generous opening, therefore I do not have to dig out you know what. I just pull up slightly the plain white layer and unhook my nursing bra. Easy peasy..
A part from that, I just fall in love with the is cotton, cool, thin but not see through.
A muslimah t-shirt with long sleeve and the length is nicely until my hip.
Another bonus is the fabric motive which is feminine and look lovely on the wearer
But... I am kind of hate the string..see the above photo. I have to fiddle with the string before I can pull up the front layer, I prefer it to be a button instead, you know like a baju kurung, but not like those nursing blouse with a row of buttons!
This nursing blouse makes my Nursing-In-Public a smooth sailing and I do not have to rush to find a nursing room or any isolated corner. I can be a proud breastfeeding Ummi!!
Care to share on what is your favourite nursing blouse and where to get it?
Selamat Hari Raya!!
Posted by
10:22 AM
Monday, September 6, 2010
CuCoQ sEkUpAnG?
Percaya? tak percaya?
Saya pun tak percaya mula-mula memang betul
Mr Asben beli kat param seberang jaya..
Mr Asben pernah makan sebelum ni masa breakfast, tapi kali ni since cucoq (read:kuih) ni, jual taim petang, okaylaa bawak balik kat saya.
Duit 5 kupang tu as reference brapa besaq cucoq tu..
comell kan :-P
and for the first time HadiffBolat ble habiskan sebijik karipapkenit
last sekali saya makan cucoq sekupang ni masa tingkatan 3 beli kat kantin sekolah dulu.
tapi dulu besaq la sikit kann..
Saya pun tak percaya mula-mula memang betul
Mr Asben beli kat param seberang jaya..
Mr Asben pernah makan sebelum ni masa breakfast, tapi kali ni since cucoq (read:kuih) ni, jual taim petang, okaylaa bawak balik kat saya.
Duit 5 kupang tu as reference brapa besaq cucoq tu..
comell kan :-P
and for the first time HadiffBolat ble habiskan sebijik karipap
last sekali saya makan cucoq sekupang ni masa tingkatan 3 beli kat kantin sekolah dulu.
tapi dulu besaq la sikit kann..
Posted by
2:50 PM
PrOjEk SiRkUt rAyA
Rentetan n3 sirkut (read: biskut) raya di SINI
projek biskut rayayang paling simple di seantero dunia dah selesai.
dapatlaa 2 jenis dengan menggunakan bahan2 yang telah sedia ada didalam stor rumah.
Bahan2 belen buat kuih raya tahun masih tak expired ya kawan-kawan.
Biskut cornflakes madu dan bubble rice cekelathentam kromo.
saya memang xmeasure bahan2 kalau sirkut camni..
main agak2 dah campak2 ja...
tapi memang senang ahhh buat..dan cepat.
Bila nama biskut dalam bahasa inggeris, terus nampak cam hebat sangat.. yaa o o ja..
Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini nak ucapkan
Selamat Hari Raya kepada kawan blogger dan silent reader saya <--ada ker?..
Kalau balik kampung tu drive defensively, be alert so that can arrive safely ke kampung ya.. from Rozy, Arry, HadiffBolat dan BabyHusna.
projek biskut raya
dapatlaa 2 jenis dengan menggunakan bahan2 yang telah sedia ada di
Bahan2 belen buat kuih raya tahun masih tak expired ya kawan-kawan.
Biskut cornflakes madu dan bubble rice cekelat
saya memang xmeasure bahan2 kalau sirkut camni..
main agak2 dah campak2 ja...
tapi memang senang ahhh buat..dan cepat.
projek sirkut ni sesuai tuk oramg yang ada anak kecik yang raaaaaaaaaaaajinn sangat nak tolong sama.
honey cornflakes with toasted almond and raisin
Bila nama biskut dalam bahasa inggeris, terus nampak cam hebat sangat.. yaa o o ja..
Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini nak ucapkan
Selamat Hari Raya kepada kawan blogger dan silent reader saya <--ada ker?..
Kalau balik kampung tu drive defensively, be alert so that can arrive safely ke kampung ya.. from Rozy, Arry, HadiffBolat dan BabyHusna.
Posted by
12:29 PM
Friday, September 3, 2010
KuIh rAyA TaWuN InI
Tahun lepas, saya memang bersemangat waja tahap gaban nak wat kuih raya. Tak percaya? Baca kat SINI.
Tahun ini, hmmmm...sesangatlaaa takdak moodnyaa... mood dah ke lautCina Selatan gamaknyaa...
Awat rr? rasa-rasanya..
1- sebab kami dah pindah balik duduk dekat dengan umah family, both side lak tu ->almaklumlaa kami kawen sedaerah ;-)
2- Mak mertua dan mak saya dah tiada, so cam tak behh sangatlaa..dulu saya selalumain masak-masak wat kuih dengan mak dan adik saya.
3- since parents saya dah takdaa.. all my siblings nak raya umah in laws dorang dulu..entahtahun hari ke brapa nak balik kampung.
4- dengan ada si Husna yang masih teshik molekss, agak-agak leh dak saya bersungguh-sungguh wat kuih raya?
5- dan last sekali punya alasan yang agak munasabah gaklaaa.. kuih kat supermarket yg RM12/50biji pun sodap gakkk.. dah pernah beli sebalang tart nenas..surprisingly fingerkaki tangan semua licking gooooood.. <--tp malangnya bila kami return balik ke Tes**, tart tu dah habisss..huhuu
tapi apa-apa kena wat gak sejenis dua yang simple-simple, rasa macam tak raya ja kalau tak wat kuih raya...ya kahh? mm ingat nak wat cornflakes madu tuuu, sebab anak buah suka sangat makan..dulu sekali hadap jaa...sukakan kalau tengok orang makan bersungguh-sungguhkan..
dan sesungguhnyaaaa..memang teruja baca blog orang2 yang dah setat wat kuih raya... ceq terliuqq nih...
pst:- kalau Mr Asben baca n3 ni mesti dia cakap.. haa tu bila nak belajaq masak lauk-lauk raya plak..hehehehhehe... tak sampai seru lagi laa sayang... kekekkekek
Tahun ini, hmmmm...sesangatlaaa takdak moodnyaa... mood dah ke laut
Awat rr? rasa-rasanya..
1- sebab kami dah pindah balik duduk dekat dengan umah family, both side lak tu ->almaklumlaa kami kawen sedaerah ;-)
2- Mak mertua dan mak saya dah tiada, so cam tak behh sangatlaa..dulu saya selalu
3- since parents saya dah takdaa.. all my siblings nak raya umah in laws dorang dulu..entah
4- dengan ada si Husna yang masih teshik molekss, agak-agak leh dak saya bersungguh-sungguh wat kuih raya?
5- dan last sekali punya alasan yang agak munasabah gaklaaa.. kuih kat supermarket yg RM12/50biji pun sodap gakkk.. dah pernah beli sebalang tart nenas..surprisingly finger
tapi apa-apa kena wat gak sejenis dua yang simple-simple, rasa macam tak raya ja kalau tak wat kuih raya...ya kahh? mm ingat nak wat cornflakes madu tuuu, sebab anak buah suka sangat makan..dulu sekali hadap jaa...sukakan kalau tengok orang makan bersungguh-sungguhkan..
dan sesungguhnyaaaa..memang teruja baca blog orang2 yang dah setat wat kuih raya... ceq terliuqq nih...
pst:- kalau Mr Asben baca n3 ni mesti dia cakap.. haa tu bila nak belajaq masak lauk-lauk raya plak..hehehehhehe... tak sampai seru lagi laa sayang... kekekkekek
Posted by
1:24 PM
It just a t-shirt for Husna.
I won it in a FB lucky draw. The result was published in HERE.
But it is not a common t-shirt you can buy in supermarket.
It is 'I LOVE MUMMY'S MILK' t-shirt!!
I won it in a FB lucky draw. The result was published in HERE.
But it is not a common t-shirt you can buy in supermarket.
It is 'I LOVE MUMMY'S MILK' t-shirt!!
Posted by
10:15 AM
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