Tuesday, September 21, 2010

hADIfF DaN rAyA '10

Tahun ni HadiffBolat dah ada sikit appreciatenya tentang raya.
Hadiff dah tahu kena amin tuk dapatkan envelop raya.
Hadiff dah.... hmmm apa lagi ekkk?..Rrrrrr... emmm.... apa lagi ya...kekekkeke tu ja kot.. okaylaa kan...

We found out, HadiffBolat takut bunyi mercun, in fact dia takut jugak tengok bunga api kat langit.. penakut rupanya anak ummi ni...tapi kalau bercerita memang gempak.. "Ummi....pommmm!!!!"

Last year HadiffBolat suka makan maruku, this year HadiffBolat suka makan kerepek pedas.

Hadiff dah pandai sebut uuikk (read:duit), so tiap kali dapat duit raya dia memang akan sebut (uuikk!! yeay..yeay..) <--never :-="" anak="" at="" balik="" berjalan="" bertuah="" buat="" budak-budak="" cousin="" dan="" duit="" envelope="" fail="" felt="" first="" for="" front="" grown="" had="" hadiff="" hand="" he="" him="" house.="" i="" ikut="" in="" interested="" jiran="" just="" kat="" ke="" kecik="" kertas="" kutip="" lain...="" lap="" laugh="" like="" looked="" mail="" mak="" make="" marcella="" means..boleh="" meja="" memang="" money...="" more="" ngah="" no="" of="" on="" orang..="" pak="" people="" pergi="" raya..rumah="" renyok-renyokkan..bagi="" rumah="" s="" sad...seems="" seperti="" several="" span="" style="font-size: 78%;" than="" the="" them="" time="" tisu="" to="" together="" up="" value...="" was="" when="" with="" yang="">macamlaa HadiffBolat pergi berperang and I could not help feeling sad seeing them standing patiently in front of Pak Mail's house waiting for someone to give them duit syilling.. Bila HadiffBolat dapat ja.. he ran back home and said "Ummi...uikk...uikk....!!" with 20cent in his right hand. Terasa macam mintak sedekah lak..huhuhuhu..cukup.. I told Mr Asben about this uneasiness I had just now. Mr Asben was in consensus not to encourage our kids to kutip duit raya unless with us visiting families and friends.

BabyHusna lak has been such a nice, calm and cute baby... just on the first day raya, Husna kembung perut sebab Ummi makan ketupat banyak..Couldn't forgive myself on that.

Sembang raya

Ummi : Hadiff dapat duit raya banyak..
HadiffBolatt : Anyakkkk.....
Ummi : Hadiff nak beli apa guna duit tu?
HadiffBolat : Uloq!! (read:telur)

HadiffBolat sangat suka makan teloq!!


Nuroll said...

hadiff & husna...mailah umah nanti...nanti auntie bg uikkk ( duit ) raya yer.....:)! muah! muah!

Farra Dhelina said...

wa suka mkn telur ye..patut la bulat kak!! hiks

[leily.laily] said...

salam aidilfitri tuk ummi Hadiff & Husna..
ekekekek, lucu la awak panggil hadiff bolatt.. ekkekek.
byk tak duit raye depa dpt?..
leh le hadiff bli telor serakit ghitew.. :P

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